Thursday, December 11, 2014

#GivingTuesday is over, now what? | Business Doing Good

#GivingTuesday is over, now what? | Business Doing Good: "eep breath.  #GivingTuesday is a week behind us – but the glow continues!

What a wonderful day it was — December 2nd — with people around the world showing how much they cared about giving back.  They gave money, time, their voices, their all.  And I’m proud that the company where I work was a part of that.  How much good was done?  We’ll actually never know because there’s simply no way to quantify all the good.  What we do know is how much was given online that day, processed by Blackbaud, as a proxy for how much giving has increased year over year. "

'via Blog this'

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